There is only one slight problem with this...I didn't purchase my camera, until AFTER the 4th of July celebration with the grand-parents.
But let's start at the beginning of the summer. I went to SLC for a week to visit my dear BFF Ali. We went swimming, watched season 5 of Project Runway, celebrated her 25th birthday, and found out Kaitlin is having a baby girl!!! Ali did try to peer pressure ME into getting a tattoo to celebrate HER 25th birthday. I did not get one, but she did. It's a super cute hot-pink apple right behind her ear. Ali, I'm not disappointed in you! :)

This is us, 5 years ago...but it was basically like this again, only without Breea, and no camping, and we're older.
Then: after my week of complete shirking of responsibility in SLC. (that doesn't make any english sense at all) I came home and partied with my single's branch...woot woot! Holla! We played games that made no sense and just injured us. Happy b-day Jordy!

I also raft-debuted on the Snake river!!! My first time, ever! It was crazy cold.

k. let's figure out what I did next!
Shall we? ADVENTURE ON!!!
I got to have all my bros in one spot, finally! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bros!

Then after the family was good and sick and tired of each other, we left. The grandparents could regain their sanity, and we continued to irritate each other on the plane ride home...My Us Weekly mag. only lasted like 20 minutes in the airport. :( bummer.
Then my summer got more mundane, but I still managed to do some FUN things!
Here is my frisbee tutu that Ali helped me make for my tournament in Park City. My tutu was the envy of every girl there...i'm sure!!! Ben thinks I'm crazy-town.
We won one of our games! That's the best thing ever for our little IF team! I love my guys sooooo much!
Now, do you know who this is? DO YOU KNOW? This is a legend! And I got to hear him live...Spence and Tim and I drove to Sun Valley to be there... Fortunately "Shelby Roberts" decided that she didn't want to hear Itzhak, so we got seats in the 4th row!! THE FOURTH ROW! It was amazing.
Not only that, but my superior stalking skills permitted us to chase him down and get our picture with him!!!!!!
If you look closely, I actually touched his shoulder...well, that's a lie. I touched the back of his little motor scooter I thought it would be a little personal bubble-attack-y to actually touch him.
My dad and brother came out to go camping, but it sucked, so we came back early and just played around IF.
That is all that I care to talk about, because uploading pictures is a pain in my err...uhm...butt :)