Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Dinner

I wish that there were more adventures to be had in this booming metropolis, but really, the sad thing is, I have to go to Rexburg to get my kicks in, but even then, I have to get them in before the RIDICULOUS curfew of midnight. So I don't even get my kicks in.

My adventures lately are of a more lame nature, rather than the loud, night-howling adventures of my college days. (oh, back in the day!)

So my Good Guy. Remember him? Well, I have committment issues, so I'm SO hesitant to even admit I'm dating somebody, but alas, I think I am...weird, huh? Anyway he invited me over to the Sunday Dinner at his Great Aunt's house, where you know that there's going to be 8,000 cousins and no super formal my roommate wisely advised, "it's only as awkward as you make it"

Well, it turned out a

I showed up to party, went to get my potatoes, and lo! and BEHOLD! My students. Not one, not two, but THREE of my dang students were at this family buffet! And they didn't just look, say hi and disappear like a good student would. Nope. That would have been too normal and un-awkward.
They were like "ms. folkner! Ms. Folkner! Are you dating my cousin?" To which I could not muster a reply. I turned to Good Guy and said, "touch me in front of anyone and you die."
Maybe I wasn't that mean...but I was pretty forceful with my words.

Turns out...they told all their teachers the next day that ms. folkner is dating their cousin, and now all the teachers wanna know who I went to sunday dinner with. Are you kidding me?
They're probably all cousins TOO! So I kept my mouth shut.
Dang IF.

I have learned my lesson. No more big sunday dinners. EVER. I think I'd rather die.

But now, because they know how embarrassed I was, they milk it. Kids are So good at that! Some students didn't know what was going on and why I was being sooooo weird when they brought up my weekend. So, they started thinking that my students saw me making out with Brian. So that's another rumor going around about me. (because Brian came on my Lagoon trip with them, so they automatically think we're married or something.)ha ha ha! At least that would be funny, but only probably just because it's sooo super not true.